Saturday, February 20, 2016


I'm still taking a break from my shop for a while longer. Turns out this graphic design course I'm taking requires 100% focus. However, I'm still doing art trades and gifts for people on the side as time allows. This is a drawing for a friend in the BJD community, her OC Sharima. My favorite part was coloring the roses! It wasn't intentional but they somehow came out very stylized. I'm not sure if I could pull that off again, lol.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Newlyweds Anniversary Portrait

I had the pleasure of doing this commission for a wonderful customer. She wanted her wedding portrait to be in black & white on tan-toned paper. She suggested charcoal as the medium which, to be honest, made me a little nervous at first because I haven't used charcoal in years! I practiced for a bit until I was comfortable again. Charcoal is actually an awesome medium for creating value, tone, and blending. The only downside is that it smudges easily but my college professor taught me that spraying some fixative throughout the process helps keep the charcoal from flaking off or smudging too much. Perhaps I say this every time I finish a commission but this piece is definitely a favorite!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Commissions Officially Closed for 2015

I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has commissioned me this year. I really enjoyed branching out of my comfort zone and creating artwork with all types of mediums and styles. You all have made the first year of my shop a wonderful experience! THANK YOU ALL! <3

The holidays are fast approaching, as well as final exams, and deadlines for projects and other assignments for school. I will not have sufficient time to complete new commissions for December, so I have decided to close shop for the year. Fortunately, I will re-open in 2016 (exact date TBA). As for the people who purchased commissions in November, do not worry! They will be completed before Christmas! :)

Happy Holidays!


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Strawberry Parfait Watercolor

Once a month I try to go to a watercolor class to improve myself in that medium. The theme for this month was "Desserts" so I chose a strawberry parfait as reference from a photo that I found on Google Images. I've been to this class about six times, and this is the FIRST piece that I'm actually happy with. I'm slowly improving and it's exciting to see that! :)

Timothy's Rainbow Tail Phoenix

A friend of mine commissioned me to draw a Phoenix. I used tan-toned paper with Prismacolor colored pencils. Traditionally, Phoenix tails look similar to a Peacock's so I added that in there. The crest was inspired by the Cockatiel.

Baby Jesus

Earlier this year I was commissioned to recreate a client's favorite picture of Baby Jesus. The only version of this picture that she had was a blurry cellphone pic that I had to use as a reference. I don't normally draw in this style but trying something new was fun.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Asura's Wrath

Here's a commission I did earlier this summer of Asura from Asura's Wrath. It's an 18" x 24" acrylic painting that is based off of an existing poster from the games. This was a great exercise becuase I haven't used acrylic in quite sometime and it gave me a break from drawing.